After months of waiting, the boarded up store-front taunting me, SEPHORA has opened in my local plaza. Today was the grand opening and I promptly received a text message from my beauty-addicted friend, R.
So, after my Friday night dinner date with D., we headed over so I could spend the gift certificate that has been burning a hole in my handbag since my birthday back in May (May 18 to be exact, hint, hint). I could easily have put it to good use online, but I made a vow to myself that I would keep it until the store opened...
D. dutifully wandered about with me, smelling things I offered him, acknowledging my outbursts of 'cute!', 'pretty!', 'I've always wanted to try this and it smells fabulous/repulsive...', etc. But when it came time to check out, the line snaked around the store, D. ditched me and waited outside. No problem, I made new friends in line, gave some advice ("oh- get the travel tube of Smashbox Photofinish Primer, not the glass bottle", "Wet n Wild has a lip plumper that works way better than Lip Fusion for about $48 cheaper", "oooh, have you tried Smith's Rosebud Salve? It's fab!"), and managed to check out with a balance left on my gift card!
True to form, I bought MASCARA and PINK LIP STAIN/GLOSS. I also got samples of eye make up remover and teeth whitener. Reviews will follow... stay tuned.
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