Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Bombshells Gin Sander and Anne Barone write of eating fabulous, high quality foods in small amounts in order to be thin, chic, and healthy.

Tonight I decided to do just that. I had a small sandwich made of fresh out of the oven french bread, a thin layer of mayo (something I have only recently come to enjoy), a thin slice of Tillamook Medium Cheddar Cheese (talk about fabulous and high quality- Tillamook rocks!), and 3 slices of dry Italian salami.

It tasted so wonderful and it was really just a finger sandwich, yet quite satisfying.

If only I had enjoyed it with a glass of red wine at the dinner table or al fresco instead of sitting in front of the computer with a diet sh-sh-shasta... next time the Bombshell will win and the computer will lose.

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