It's raining today, but it has been quite spring-like in Bombshell-land and I'm getting a bit spring feverish.
The remedy? Start to cultivate a hint of a sun-kissed glow. I love, love, love a perfect porcelain complexion, but the California Girl in me yearns for a tan in the summer. I am not willing to subject my skin to frying, so I only go the fake route. I've done the Mystic Tan spray booth (kind of expensive, but worth it for, say, a summer trip to Vegas), self-tanning lotions, sprays, mousses, etc. Everything but the booth is a little too much work for me. The upkeep anyway...and the mess in the bathroom, and on my white, high thread count sheets, and the stink...

So last night I tried something new. There are tons of brands of body lotion with the "gradual tanning" thing going on. I've tried some in the past. Last night I tried L'Oreal Sublime Glow. It smelled pretty good, just a hint of the tell-tale self-tanner smell after about an hour or so. But the best thing was how soft it made my skin- like silk or butter, or silky-butter! And, I woke up with a, well, Sublime Glow! Just the hintiest of hints of a tan. I put lotion on every night after my evening bath, so I can put this on just as easily. We'll see how long my desire for a tan lasts, but I think I can safely say that I'll be glowing sublimely until mid October...

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